
M NODE, Materials Technology Transfer

In Materially we are experts in materials technology transfer. The extensive knowledge of the market acquired during the years of advising industrial companies means that developers of new materials want to count on us to help them transfer their developments to the market. This makes our proven methodology helpful for Research Groups in Universities and Technological Centres when taking steps towards materials transfer. In the following interactive image you can learn more in detail the usual working methodology:

Materials Innovation Reportss

Design and development of reports on Materials with high added value from a technological and/or design point of view with opportunities for application in industry. This selection of materials is carried out in a reasoned and contextualised manner. In addition, the reports are usually accompanied by application examples as well as trend and foresight analyses. Visit an example by clicking here.

Capability mapping and catalogue

Technical assistance service for the design and execution of Capability maps and catalogue of materials technologies. Thanks to this, the entity or organisation manages to have a clear idea of its internal capabilities and can exploit them to the maximum. Technologies, services, equipment or any other capability that is of interest to the organisation in the world of materials can be catalogued.

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